Academy of Doctors of Audiology

Au.D. Programs

Prospective students who wish to pursue careers in audiology may attend one of the Au.D. programs listed below. In addition, Distance Learning programs are offered for a limited time to practicing audiologists who hold M.S. or M.A. degrees and who wish to advance to the Doctor of Audiology. As the profession completes the transition to the Au.D. and university programs restructure their curricula, these distance learning programs will be phased out.

Note: The Accreditation Commission of Audiology Education (ACAE) was founded in 2002 by the American Academy of Audiology, the Academy of Doctors of Audiology (formerly the Academy of Dispensing Audiologists), and the Organization of Program Directors to establish educational standards for the Doctor of Audiology. ACAE is the only accreditation agency that has developed standards for the Doctor of Audiology.

Understanding The Chart: Programs & Degrees

The chart below, conveniently organized by state, lists academic programs offering audiology education. The degree column lists the type of degree/s offered as well as the specified length for each Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) program. All of the Au.D. programs are clinical entry-level professional degree programs which prepare the graduates for clinical practice and audiology licensure. Other programs can be research programs or clinical programs; therefore, the degree column displays Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) programs, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) programs, and Doctor of Science (Sc.D.) programs with designations of "Research" or "Clinical" to indicate the type of doctoral program offered. If a program offers degrees to audiologists who already hold a master's degree in audiology, this is indicated by a designation of "post MA". Notes are also included to indicate if combination programs such as Au.D. with a Master's degree in Business Arts (MBA) or joint research and clinical degrees are offered. A few programs offer only research degrees which may be described as research degrees in areas such as speech and hearing science or in communication sciences and disorders, but the programs listed in the chart have indicated that topics for research through the programs include those related to audiology.

Although every effort was made to include complete information on all programs, some university offerings such as dual tracks (Au.D./Research Ph.D.) or other special features are relatively new and may not be fully updated on the accreditation lists or even on a program's website. Therefore it is advisable to contact programs to inquire about specific program features.

Accreditation Key

  • CAA — Accreditation held by The Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).
  • CAA Candidate — Candidacy stage of accreditation by the CAA; program has not received accredited status.
  • ACAE — Accreditation held by The Accreditation Commission for Audiology Education (ACAE).
  • N/A — No program-specific accreditation. (CAA and the ACAE do not offer accreditation for post-master's programs such as research doctoral degrees or post-masters clinical doctoral degrees.)
  • None — Indicated for programs that could have either CAA and/or ACAE accreditation but do not currently hold accredited status with either accrediting body.
ALABAMA Auburn University AuD (4yr) CAA
  University of South Alabama AuD (4yr) CAA
ARKANSAS University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences AuD (4yr) CAA
ARIZONA A.T. Still University - Arizona School of Health Sciences AuD (3yr) CAA
  Arizona State University AuD (3yr) CAA
  University of Arizona AuD (4yr) CAA
CALIFORNIA California State University, Los Angeles AuD (4yr) ACAE
  California State University, Northridge AuD (4yr) ACAE
  Sacremento State University (also referred to as CSU-Sacramento) AuD (4yr) CAA & ACAE
  San Diego State University & University of California-San Diego AuD (4yr) CAA
  San Jose State University - Audiology Program AuD (4yr) CAA & ACAE
  University of the Pacific - Audiology Program AuD (3yr) CAA & ACAE
COLORADO University of Colorado, Boulder AuD (4yr) CAA
  University of Northern Colorado AuD (3yr) CAA
CONNECTICUT University of Connecticut AuD (4yr) CAA
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Gallaudet University AuD (3yr) CAA
FLORIDA Nova Southeastern University AuD (4yr) CAA & ACAE
  University of Florida, Gainesville AuD (4yr) CAA
  University of South Florida AuD (4yr) CAA
IOWA University of Iowa AuD (4yr) CAA
IDAHO Idaho State University, Pocatello AuD (4yr) CAA
ILLINOIS Illinois State University AuD (4yr) CAA
  Northern Illinois University AuD (3yr) CAA
  Northwestern University AuD (3yr) CAA
  Rush University AuD (4yr) CAA
  University of Illinois, Urbana - Champaign AuD (4yr) CAA
INDIANA Ball State University AuD (4yr) CAA
  Indiana University, Bloomington AuD (3yr) CAA
  Purdue University AuD (4yr) CAA
KANSAS University of Kansas AuD (4yr) CAA
  Wichita State University AuD (3yr) CAA
KENTUCKY University of Louisville AuD (4yr) CAA
LOUISIANA Louisiana State University AuD (4yr) CAA
  Louisiana Technical University AuD (4yr) CAA
MASSACHUSETTS MGH Institute of Health Professions AuD (3yr) CAA
  University of Massachusetts, Amherst AuD (4yr) CAA
MASSACHUSETTS Towson University AuD (4yr) CAA
  University of Maryland, College Park AuD (4yr) CAA
MICHIGAN Central Michigan University AuD (4yr) CAA
  Grand Valley State University AuD (3yr) CAA
  Wayne State University AuD (4yr) CAA
  Western Michigan University AuD (3yr & 4yr) CAA
MINNESOTA University of Minnesota, Minneapolis AuD (4yr) CAA
MISSOURI Missouri State University AuD (3yr) CAA
  Washington University AuD (3yr) CAA
MISSISSIPPI University of Mississippi Medical Center AuD (4yr) ACAE
  University of Southern Mississippi AuD (4yr) CAA
NORTH CAROLINA East Carolina University AuD (4yr) CAA
  University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill AuD (4yr) CAA & ACAE
NEBRASKA University of Nebraska, Lincoln AuD (4yr) CAA
NEBRASKA Montclair State University AuD (4yr) CAA
NEW YORK CUNY, Brooklyn Coll / Hunter Coll - Grad Center AuD (4yr) CAA
  New York AuD Consortium - Adelphi/Hofstra/St. John's Universities AuD (4yr) CAA
  SUNY at Buffalo AuD (4yr) CAA
  Syracuse University AuD (4yr) CAA
OHIO Northeast Ohio AuD Consortium (NOAC)- Kent State/Univ of Akron AuD (4yr) CAA
  Ohio State University AuD (4yr) CAA
  Ohio University AuD (4yr) CAA
  University of Cincinnati AuD (3yr) CAA
OKLAHOMA University of Oklahoma AuD (4yr) CAA
OREGON Pacific University - Audiology AuD (3yr) CAA
PENNSYLVANIA Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania AuD (4yr) CAA
  Salus @ Drexel University AuD (4yr) CAA
  University of Pittsburgh AuD (4yr) CAA
PUERTO RICO University of Puerto Rico, San Juan AuD (4yr) CAA
SOUTH DAKOTA University of South Dakota AuD (4yr) CAA
TENNESSEE East Tennessee State University AuD (4yr) CAA
  University of Memphis AuD (4yr) CAA
  University of Tennessee Health Science Center AuD (4yr) CAA
  Vanderbilt University AuD (4yr) CAA
TEXAS Lamar University AuD (4yr) CAA
  Texas Tech University AuD (4yr) CAA
  University of North Texas AuD (4yr) CAA
  University of Texas at Dallas AuD (4yr) CAA & ACAE
  University of Texas, Austin AuD (4yr) CAA
UTAH University of Utah AuD (4yr) CAA
  Utah State University AuD (4yr) CAA
VIRGINIA James Madison University AuD (4yr) CAA
WASHINGTON Western Washington University AuD (4yr) CAA
WISCONSIN AuD Consortium, University of Wisconsin-Madison & University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point AuD (4yr) CAA
WEST VIRGINIA West Virginia University AuD (3yr) CAA