Committees & Staff
At this time of the year, ADA turns its attention to future leadership and our election activities. This is an extremely important process, as those elected will help determine the direction of the association and of the profession for the next several years. Positions to be filled this year are President-Elect and one Director-at-Large. In accordance with ADA’s bylaws, the Nominating Committee presents the following slate of Fellows to run for the following offices:

Alicia Spoor, Au.D., Chair
Advocacy & Public Policy Committee
Guides federal and state advocacy initiatives that serve ADA and its members, including those that seek to optimize audiology’s scope of practice, improve reimbursement models for audiologists and the services that they provide, and advance the autonomous practice of audiology.

Accreditation Committee
Provides direction and oversight of the ADA Audiology Practice Accreditation Program, including standards-setting, program development, and operational management, in collaboration with staff and the ADA Board of Directors.

Kristin Davis, Au.D., Chair
Nominating Committee
Implements the annual Board of Directors election processes as outlined in the ADA Bylaws. Service on the Nominating Committee is by invitation only to voting members of ADA.

Jasmin Rodriguez, President
Student Academy of Doctors of Audiology (SADA)
Serves the varied needs and concerns of student and emerging graduated members of ADA.

Stacy O’Brien, Au.D., Co-Chair

Kim Cavitt, Au.D., Co-Chair
Education Committee
The ADA Education Committee will advise on the general theme, schedule, topics, and speakers for ADA’s annual AuDacity Conference. Committee members will assist with outreach to potential attendees and sponsors, and serve as course moderators during the conference.

Bryan Greenaway, Au.D., Co-Chair

Henry Botzum, Au.D., Co-Chair
Early Career Professionals SIG
The Early Career Professional Special Interest Group (SIG) is geared for audiologists who are in their first five years of practice, but is open to all who are interested. This facilitated SIG, provides structured monthly networking activities and discussions on topics of interest as identified by the group. Guest speakers or special programming is occasionally offered. Contact
Volunteer Commitment Submission
If you are interested in serving your peers and your profession by serving on an ADA committee please complete the form below. An ADA staff member will contact you with more information.
ADA Staff
Our team is comprised of recognized leaders in education, management and marketing—leaders who collectively carry more than a century of experience in the discipline of association management. Please let us know how we can help you today.

Executive Director

Director of Operations

Membership Coordinator