Will You Advocate for Audiology?

Dear Friends,
If you believe that Medicare audiology access is more than just rhetoric
That it’s a “sound” public policy to remove barriers gigantic
Then, please don’t just “stanza,” do something specific
Use both rhyme and reason to advocate poetic!
We’re calling all of the optimists, realists, and cynics
And all of the longstanding Medicare coverage policy critics
Together we can overcome the noise, the obstacles, and the partisan politics
To achieve public policy goals that are bigger, better, and way more prolific!
Choose your favorite AI-generated audiology Limerick
Cast your vote and your cash ($20 per vote), using this “CLICK”
Your donations support the ADA Hagberg Advocacy Fund (named after Eric)
To pass the Medicare Audiology Access Improvement Act for your profession and the public!
Votes will be collected, and tallied, and posted real quick
The winning poem will be commemorated as the top pick
So, without further ado here are the three audiology limericks,
We hope you’ll find each of them truly terrific
Vote for your favorite audiology limerick today and cast as many votes as you can between now and August 31st!
Running Tally
Limerick 1: Taming the Tinnitus
There once was a buzz that resisted
No silence, the ringing persisted
But, using the methodology
Prescribed by a Doctor of Audiology
My tinnitus has ceased and desisted!
Limerick 2: Balancing Act
A chap with his balance quite shaken
To the audiologist he was taken
Case history and test results agree
'Twas a dizzying case of B-P-P-V
An expert maneuver by the skilled Au.D., and his vertigo was quickly forsaken!
Limerick 3: Auditory Story
Frustrated and angry by sounds that were muffled
When straight to the audiologist I shuffled
She prescribed amplification and auditory training
To help keep my brain and ears from straining
Here, here! Now that I hear clear, my feathers are no longer ruffled!