AuDacity 2019 Archive

AuDacity Exhibitors
1 Stop Marketing Solutions
Allegro Credit
Alpaca Audiology
Audigy Group
Audio Technology Specialists
Audiology Awareness Campaign
Black & Black Surgical, Inc
Blueprint Solutions
Cochlear Americas
Crystal Practice Management
Entheos Audiology Cooperative
Fuel Medical
Gravity Payments
Hamilton CapTel
Hearing Life
Lantos Technologies
MG Development
Miracell, Inc
Nupur Technologies
Oaktree Products
Otometrics, a Div. of Natus Medical Inc
Sprint CapTel
The Audiology Project
TransAct, LLC
Trust Risk Management Services, Inc
Unitron (Sonova USA Inc)
Westone Laboratories
Your Hearing Network

The Academy of Doctors of Audiology is approved by the American Academy of Audiology to offer Academy CEUs for this activity. The program is worth a maximum of 2.05 CEUs/.6 Tier 1 CEUs. Academy approval of this continuing education activity is based on course content only and does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedure, or adherence of the event to the Academy's Code of Ethics. Any views that are presented are those of the presenter/CE Provider and not necessarily of the American Academy of Audiology.
Friday, November 15, 2019 |
08:30 AM - 09:30 AM |
Keynote Presentation - Hearing Loss and Dementia Esther Oh, M.D. |
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM |
General Session 1: Providing Exceptional Patient Experiences to the Aging Boomers and Gen X Randy Baldwin |
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM |
General Session 2: Marketing to the Active Aging Consumer Jeff Weiss |
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM |
General Session 3: Living Longer and Living Better: Technology and Wellbeing for an Aging Population Lisa D'Ambrosio, Ph.D. |
03:30 PM - 05:00 PM |
General Session 4: The Wellness-Illness Continuum: Serving Older Adults at Every Point Along the Way Brian Taylor, Au.D. (Moderator) |
05:15 PM - 06:15 PM |
ADA Member Meeting |
Saturday, November 16, 2019 |
08:00 AM - 09:30 AM |
Delight your Patients & Differentiate your Practice: Instant Custom Molds Hands-on Workshop William Diles, M.A. INNOVATION SESSION: A Changing Standard of Care: Incorporating Treatment with Implantable Hearing Devices in a Private Practice Setting, Part 1 [TIER 1] Michele Fusco, M.A. Managing Patient Anxiety, Ambivalence and Lack of Awareness of Hearing Loss: An Audiology/Psychology Collaboration, Part 1 [TIER1] David Citron, Ph.D. Understanding Financial Success in Your Practice: Managed Care vs. Private Pay Patients Ron Gleitman, Ph.D. |
09:45 AM - 11:15 AM |
Creating an Effective Physician Outreach Marketing Process Thomas Tedeschi, Au.D. (Moderator) INNOVATION SESSION: A Changing Standard of Care: Incorporating Treatment with Implantable Hearing Devices in a Private Practice Setting, Part 2 [TIER 1] Michele Fusco, M.A. Managing Patient Anxiety, Ambivalence and Lack of Awareness of Hearing Loss: An Audiology/Psychology Collaboration, Part 2 [TIER1] David Citron, Ph.D. Moving the Needle: The Process of Creating Audiology State Licensure Laws for a New Millennium Kim Cavitt, Au.D. |
12:30 PM - 01:30 PM |
Direct-to-Consumer Healthcare Trends: Maintaining Revenue and Identifying Value Proposition Rupa Balachandran, Ph.D. Collaborative Audiology and Pharmacy Impact on Patient Care Arifa Qureshi, Au.D. INNOVATION SESSION: Latest Advances in Audiological Artificial Intelligence, Part 1: Rise of the Audiological Machines [TIER 1] Aaron Jones, Au.D., M.S. Precepting: What Practice Owners Need to Know Jennifer Boakye, A.T. Still University |
01:40 PM - 02:40 PM |
Adding Tinnitus Management to your Clinical Practice: Evidence-based Recommendations for Success Jack Scott, Ph.D. Embrace the Change: a How-To Guide for Dispensing PSAPs in a Clinic Danielle Frank, Au.D. INNOVATION SESSION: Latest Advances in Audiological Artificial Intelligence, Part 2: Real Life Hearing - Implications and Opportunities for AI [TIER 1] Tiffany Brown, Au.D. Using a Subscription Model to Increase Treatment & Loyalty Dan Quall, M.S. |
02:50 PM - 03:50 PM |
INNOVATION SESSION: Latest Advances in Audiological Artificial Intelligence, Part 3: The Latest AI Advances in Patient Health and Well Being [TIER 1] Dave Fabry, Ph.D. Managing Threats and Opportunities in Today's Audiology Private Practice Dawn Heiman, Au.D. A Critical Review of Audiology Employment and Provision of Hearing Healthcare Services Amyn Amlani, Ph.D. Vestibular Function in Children with Hearing Loss Richard Gans, Ph.D. |
04:00 PM - 05:30 PM |
INNOVATION SESSION: Telehearing Care for Today's Success Suzanne Younker, Au.D. Messy Brilliance: Work-Life Balance and Self-Care for Audiologists HANDOUT Prepare Your Business for Maximum Sales Value Amit Gosalia, Au.D. Sky Marvel and RogerDirect: Bringing kids ‘Love at First Sound’ experiences and helping them more fully experience their world Angela Lawfield, Au.D. |
Saturday, November 16, 2019 — STUDENT PROGRAM |
08:00 AM - 09:30 AM |
Exceptional Hearing Aid Fittings with a Patient-Centered Focus Andrea Hannan Dawkes, Au.D |
12:30 PM - 01:30 PM |
Owning a General Audiologist Title: How to Embrace Practicing Full Scope in Private Practice Julie Link, Au.D. |
01:40 PM - 02:40 PM |
Current HIPAA Guidelines for Audiology Amit Gosalia, Au.D. |
02:50 PM - 03:50 PM |
A Successful Path to Ownership, Partnership and Private Practice Fred Boudreaux, Au.D. |
04:00 PM - 05:30 PM |
Custom Molds Student Version William Diles, M.A. |
Saturday, November 16, 2019 — STUDENT PROGRAM |
08:00 AM - 09:30 AM |
Exceptional Hearing Aid Fittings with a Patient-Centered Focus Andrea Hannan Dawkes, Au.D |
12:30 PM - 01:30 PM |
Owning a General Audiologist Title: How to Embrace Practicing Full Scope in Private Practice Julie Link, Au.D. |
01:40 PM - 02:40 PM |
Current HIPAA Guidelines for Audiology Amit Gosalia, Au.D. |
02:50 PM - 03:50 PM |
A Successful Path to Ownership, Partnership and Private Practice Fred Boudreaux, Au.D. |
04:00 PM - 05:30 PM |
Custom Molds Student Version William Diles, M.A. |