Academy of Doctors of Audiology

AuDacity 2022 Archive

AuDacity 2022
AuDacity 2022

Ahead of the Curve

AuDacity 2022

Ahead of the Curve

AuDacity 2022

Ahead of the Curve

AuDacity 2022

Ahead of the Curve

AuDacity Exhibitors

  • ADA
  • Amplifon
  • Amplify Hearing
  • Amplivox
  • Amptify
  • Audigy
  • Audioscan
  • Black and Black Surgical
  • CareCredit
  • Cochlear
  • Cognivue
  • CounselEAR, LLC
  • CQ Partners
  • Eargo, Inc.
  • EntreAudiology
  • Eosera, Inc
  • Grason-Stadler
  • Hamilton CapTel
  • HearVu
  • HearWorks
  • InnoCaption
  • Interacoustics
  • KC Consulting
  • Levo Medical
  • MAICO Diagnostics
  • NationsBenefits
  • Nupur Technologies, LLC
  • Oaktree Products
  • Phonak
  • ReSound
  • Review Wave
  • SafKan Health
  • Signia
  • Sycle
  • The American Institute of Balance
  • Tuned
  • Unitron
  • Warner Tech-care Products
  • Westone Laboratories
  • Widex
AAA Continuing Education

Academy of Doctors of Audiology is approved by the American Academy of Audiology to offer Academy CEUs for this activity. The program is worth a maximum of 2.4 CEUs. Academy approval of this continuing education activity is based on course content only and does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedure, or adherence of the event to the Academy’s Code of Ethics. Any views that are presented are those of the presenter/CE Provider and not necessarily of the American Academy of Audiology.

2.25 ABA Tier 1 CEUs are available.


08:00 AM - 08:15 AM

Opening Remarks

08:15 AM - 09:35 AM

Mobile Audiology: A Panel Discussion

Moderator: Amyn Amlani, Ph.D.

Speakers: Rachel Magann Faivre, Au.D., Brandi Murphy, Au.D., Marshall N'Guessan, Au.D., Emily Salazar, Au.D.

09:45 AM - 10:00 AM


10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Outdoor Exhibit of Applications Being Used

Speakers: Rachel Magann Faivre, Au.D., Brandi Murphy, Au.D., Marshall N'Guessan, Au.D., Emily Salazar, Au.D.

11:30 AM - 12:15 PM

New Innovations in Mobile Audiology (Lunch Sponsored by Shoebox)

Speakers: Carla Spyies-Smiley, Au.D., Onsite Tiny Houses

12:15 PM - 12:45 PM


Speaker: Kathleen Wallace, Au.D.

12:45 PM - 01:15 PM

Nursing Homes/Assistive Living

Speaker: Hank Sarazin

01:15 PM - 01:30 PM

ADA President - Welcome to ADA

Speaker: Kristin Davis, Au.D.

01:30 PM - 02:15 PM

Manufacturer Equipment Rounds


10:00 AM - 02:00 PM

Starkey Student Session

01:00 PM - 02:15 PM


 Communicating in Noisy Social Situations: Putting Divergent Signal Processing Strategies to Work in Your Practice

Virtually all hearing aid wearers judge the success of their devices by their ability to communicate in acoustically challenging social situations. The purpose of this course is to show how two distinctly differently signal processing strategies provide patient benefit in noisy situations. In addition to a discussion of how these signal platforms differ, the course provides guidance on how the Quick SIN and SSQ-12 (a validated self-report) can be used to determine which signal processing strategy might be most beneficial for the individual.

  1. List the communication problems associated with background noise
  2. Differentiate between two hearing aid signal processing strategies and understand their key philosophic differences
  3. Identify patients who are most likely to benefit from each strategy

Moderator: Victor Bray, Ph.D.

Speakers: Dana Helmink, Au.D., Brian Taylor, Au.D.

 Build Practice Success with Hearing Aid Verification

Hearing aid verification, including real-ear and test box measurement, is commonly viewed as a best practice procedure during the hearing aid fitting process. Given ongoing industry disruptions in product offerings, changes in service delivery models and increasing competition, the need to provide proven clinical services that support practice success has never been greater.

This session will illustrate how the routine use of hearing aid verification can significantly benefit both the patient and the practice. Evidence supporting this perspective will be highlighted along with methods to effectively integrate verification into the clinic workflow. Tools and techniques that can be used to improve the accuracy, efficiency, and overall value of verification services with both traditional hearing aids and over-the-counter devices will also be reviewed.

  1. Describe why hearing aid verification services are needed in the fitting of hearing aids
  2. Describe how hearing aid verification services can build practice success
  3. Describe clinical workflows for effectively incorporating verification services in the modern practice with both traditional hearing aids and OTC devices

Moderator: Deb Abel, Au.D.

Speaker: John Pumford, Au.D.

02:30 PM - 03:30 PM

 Leading with Innovation: How to Future-Proof Yourself, Fearlessly Innovate, and Succeed Despite Disruption

Even the most successful organizations must continually reinvent their products, services and solutions to remain market leaders in an age of growing change, connectivity and globalization. In this eye-opening presentation, audiences will learn how to thrive in the new operating reality, create competitive advantage, and successfully leverage new leadership strategies to adapt to changing times. From more powerful ways to unleash innovation to solutions for better capitalizing on cutting-edge advancements, discover how you and your organization can flourish in tomorrow’s world – and effectively apply its most crucial success strategies and skills in context.

Moderator: Tom Tedeschi, Au.D.

Speaker: Scott Steinberg

03:30 PM - 03:40 PM


03:40 PM - 04:40 PM

 Keynote Presentation: The Impact of “Chaotic Innovation” on Audiology - The Good News

Audiology is the subject of rapid change as we transition from Symmetrical, to Disruptive, and ultimately Chaotic Innovation. One major component of Chaotic Innovation, is the impact that Chaotic Innovation will play in the future of Audiology. These “near earth” global trends include the impact of Decentralization of Diagnostics, Patient Consumerism, Cost Transparency, and the need to create far better Audiological Diagnostic Workflows, and Consumer Experiences. Over the next three years, we will see major changes across the audiology market that will impact every participant within the delivery ecosystem. In this customized talk, Nick will deliver a powerful presentation with actionable takeaways.

The audiology marketplace is the subject of chaotic change. This change will take place in two hemispheres. One hemisphere will be that of regulated hearing amplification devices and the way in which they are delivered to patients through new clinical, value, and economic models. The second hemisphere will be the emergence of layered and dynamic amplification technologies that fall into the unregulated category but deliver a wide range of layered and dynamic patient value. Additional major factors that will play into the market scape will be integrated value that includes other areas of patient value, especially geriatric patient value. The key “near earth” driving trends nclude the hyper consumerization of audiology, Zero UI technologies, the rapid growth of “In-Ear“ technologies that leverage accelerometers, EEG, temperature sensing, continuity monitoring and a wide range of other ear sensors as part of an integrated wellness technology solutions. The best organizations in audiology will leverage new innovation pipelines to ensure their relevancy in a rapidly changing technology market scape. They will concurrently implement a wide range of new consumer value models and technology delivery methods.

Nick draws from his experience as a healthcare technologist with over 40 patents, and his experience as a management consultant to the top medical device companies in the world:

  1. The three BIG “near earth” trends of the future of audiology
  2. The impact of consumerization on the future of audiology
  3. Emerging technology trends that orbit audiology and what to do about them
  4. The impact of new economic and value models on the future of audiology
  5. The playbook for the future of of audiology innovation

Moderator: Randy Baldwin

Speaker: Nick Webb

04:40 PM - 04:50 AM


04:50 PM - 06:15 PM

 Financial Management and Forecasting for Audiology Practices: The Must-Know Figures, Formulas, and Factors

Financial management and forecasting are foundational for the success of audiology practices—and yet, can stir the most fear and frustration among practice owners and managers. This session will provide attendees with exceptional insight into best practices for the financial management of audiology practices and everything you need to know to figure, factor, and formulate plans for success.

  1. Attendees will be able to describe the difference between cash and accrual accounting
  2. Attendees will be able to list the key financial metrics, formulas, and factors used to track the health of audiology practices
  3. Attendees will be able to demonstrate the process for accurately forecasting financial trends in an audiology practice

Moderator: Jason Mayer

Speakers: Alicia Amlani, Amyn Amlani, Ph.D.

06:15 PM - 08:00 PM

Opening Reception in the Exhibit Hall


07:00 AM - 08:00 AM

Breakfast in the Exhibit Hall

08:00 AM - 08:30 AM

President's Address

Speaker: Kristin Davis, Au.D.

08:30 AM - 09:30 AM

 Fix This Next: Keynote

You’re very confident working with your clients. You are an excellent diagnostician, you create attainable goals, and you are able to implement interventions to ensure the most effective treatment plan. Right? Are you as confident running your business as you are treating your clients?

Most healthcare entrepreneurs aren’t, and I totally understand that. You probably never considered this, but your background in healthcare actually gives you an advantage in running a business. It’s actually pretty simple. Your business is like a patient, you just have to treat it that way. It needs a diagnosis and a treatment plan, just like the person sitting on your couch. The Fix This Next system will show you how to diagnose your business correctly every single time.

Just like your clients, when you are confident in the diagnosis, the treatment interventions are quite simple.

Moderator: Kristin Davis, Au.D.

Speaker: Kasey Compton, M.Ed., LPCC-S

09:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Break in the Exhibit Hall

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

 Fix This Next: Diagnose and Treat the Problems in Your Practice for Better Outcomes

This session will apply the principles of Kacey Compton’s groundbreaking book, “Fix this Next for Healthcare Providers” specifically to help audiology practice owners prioritize and diagnose issues in their practice as it relates to sales, profit, and order. Audiology practice managers and industry experts will share specific strategies for identifying gaps in systemization, prospect and provider attraction and retention, and role alignment will be emphasized.

  1. Attendees will be able to describe how the three key components in the healthcare hierarchy of needs (sales, profit, and order) can be applied to an audiology practice
  2. Attendees will be able to describe the principles of systemization, role alignment, and prospect and provider attraction and their significance in the practice
  3. Attendees will be able to list strategies for diagnosing and prioritizing the problems to fix in their practice

Moderator: Kasey Compton, M.Ed., LPCC-S

Speakers: Stacey Baldwin, Au.D., Jana Brown, Au.D., Ernest Paolini, Jon Romano, Timothy Steele, Ph.D.

11:30 AM - 01:00 PM

Lunch in the Exhibit Hall

01:00 PM - 02:30 PM


 Price Modeling for Your Practice

The FDA has released the OTC Final rule. Hearing aid delivery models will change even more than they already have. How will audiologists remain relevant as big box retail becomes an even larger competitor and the internet will afford consumers an endless array of pricing and product. The audiology community must consider an update to the way we deliver patient care. This session will discuss the benefits of evidence-based practice, practicing across the full scope of our license as well as discuss the benefits of itemizing services to help audiologists differentiate themselves in the ever changing hearing aid delivery landscape.

  1. Demonstrate models of hearing aid service delivery that will increase revenue streams while maintaining patient loyalty
  2. Discuss ways to adapt service delivery models using evidence based methods to establish the value of the audiologist while improving patient care and outcomes
  3. Describe the advantages to the patient and audiology profession of itemizing services to differentiate between product fees and professional service fees

Moderator: Deb Abel, Au.D.

Speakers: Kim Cavitt, Au.D., Jason Leyendecker, Au.D., Stephanie Sjoblad, Au.D.

 Provider Referral Development and Promotional Strategies

Sales components of a “fix-this-next” framework for your practice will likely include provider referral development and promotional strategies. This session will deliver real-world guidance on developing and implementing a physician outreach strategy, staff buy-in and coaching, establishing timelines and methods for implementation, measuring success, and adapting to new opportunities and challenges.

  1. Attendees will be able to describe the components of a successful provider outreach plan
  2. Attendees will be able to list strategies for avoiding and overcoming challenges in implementation of provider outreach plans
  3. Attendees will be able to describe key metrics that should be monitored to determine success of provider outreach plans

Moderator: Tom Tedeschi, Au.D.

Speakers: Stacy O'Brien, Au.D., Brad Stewart, Au.D., Bob Tysoe

 Analysis and Models for Staffing, Scheduling, and Service Delivery

Order components of a “fix-this-next” strategy include systemization, role alignment, outcome delegation, redundancy, and problem solving. This session will provide attendees with detailed information about how to analyze and develop staffing models for your practice that maximize efficiencies and improve outcomes. Perspectives from a practice owner, a hearing instrument specialist, a practicing audiologist, and an audiology assistant will be shared during this informative panel.

  1. Attendees will be able to describe the role of a hearing instrument specialist and an audiology assistant in a private audiology practice
  2. Attendees will be able to list factors and considerations that they should consider when developing a staffing model for their practice
  3. Attendees will be able to describe the process for scheduling specific services using support staff to maximize practice efficiencies

Moderator: Judy Huch, Au.D.

Speakers: Rachel Schafer-Montgomery, Tonya Muncy, BC-HIS., Maggie Robertson, Au.D., Liz Rogers, Au.D.

 Diversifying Services: Analyzing and Implementing New Opportunities

Elements of the sales component of the “fix-this-next” strategy include assessing and modifying your service mix to attract and retain patients and optimize the health of your practice. This session features audiologists and practice owners who have successfully analyzed opportunities for service expansion and integrated new services into their practices. They will offer candid perspectives and practical advice for audiologists seeking opportunities to expand their services.

  1. Attendees will be able to describe the process for assessing their service mix to determine whether and what new services to add
  2. Attendees will be able to list the most important components of the new service implementation process
  3. Attendees will be able to describe the metrics that can be used to measure the success of new service deployment in a private audiology clinic

Moderator: Rita Chaiken, Au.D.

Speakers: Dawn Heiman, Au.D., Kathleen Wallace, Au.D., Gail Whitelaw, Au.D.

02:30 PM - 03:00 PM

Break in the Exhibit Hall

03:00 PM - 04:30 PM


 Price Modeling for Your Practice

The FDA has released the OTC Final rule. Hearing aid delivery models will change even more than they already have. How will audiologists remain relevant as big box retail becomes an even larger competitor and the internet will afford consumers an endless array of pricing and product. The audiology community must consider an update to the way we deliver patient care. This session will discuss the benefits of evidence-based practice, practicing across the full scope of our license as well as discuss the benefits of itemizing services to help audiologists differentiate themselves in the ever changing hearing aid delivery landscape.

  1. Demonstrate models of hearing aid service delivery that will increase revenue streams while maintaining patient loyalty
  2. Discuss ways to adapt service delivery models using evidence based methods to establish the value of the audiologist while improving patient care and outcomes
  3. Describe the advantages to the patient and audiology profession of itemizing services to differentiate between product fees and professional service fees

Moderator: Deb Abel, Au.D.

Speakers: Kim Cavitt, Au.D., Jason Leyendecker, Au.D., Stephanie Sjoblad, Au.D.

 Provider Referral Development and Promotional Strategies

Sales components of a “fix-this-next” framework for your practice will likely include provider referral development and promotional strategies. This session will deliver real-world guidance on developing and implementing a physician outreach strategy, staff buy-in and coaching, establishing timelines and methods for implementation, measuring success, and adapting to new opportunities and challenges.

  1. Attendees will be able to describe the components of a successful provider outreach plan
  2. Attendees will be able to list strategies for avoiding and overcoming challenges in implementation of provider outreach plans
  3. Attendees will be able to describe key metrics that should be monitored to determine success of provider outreach plans

Moderator: Tom Tedeschi, Au.D.

Speakers: Stacy O'Brien, Au.D., Brad Stewart, Au.D., Bob Tysoe

 Analysis and Models for Staffing, Scheduling, and Service Delivery

Order components of a “fix-this-next” strategy include systemization, role alignment, outcome delegation, redundancy, and problem solving. This session will provide attendees with detailed information about how to analyze and develop staffing models for your practice that maximize efficiencies and improve outcomes. Perspectives from a practice owner, a hearing instrument specialist, a practicing audiologist, and an audiology assistant will be shared during this informative panel.

  1. Attendees will be able to describe the role of a hearing instrument specialist and an audiology assistant in a private audiology practice
  2. Attendees will be able to list factors and considerations that they should consider when developing a staffing model for their practice
  3. Attendees will be able to describe the process for scheduling specific services using support staff to maximize practice efficiencies

Moderator: Judy Huch, Au.D.

Speakers: Rachel Schafer-Montgomery, Tonya Muncy, BC-HIS., Maggie Robertson, Au.D., Liz Rogers, Au.D.

 Diversifying Services: Analyzing and Implementing New Opportunities

Elements of the sales component of the “fix-this-next” strategy include assessing and modifying your service mix to attract and retain patients and optimize the health of your practice. This session features audiologists and practice owners who have successfully analyzed opportunities for service expansion and integrated new services into their practices. They will offer candid perspectives and practical advice for audiologists seeking opportunities to expand their services.

  1. Attendees will be able to describe the process for assessing their service mix to determine whether and what new services to add
  2. Attendees will be able to list the most important components of the new service implementation process
  3. Attendees will be able to describe the metrics that can be used to measure the success of new service deployment in a private audiology clinic

Moderator: Rita Chaiken, Au.D.

Speakers: Dawn Heiman, Au.D., Kathleen Wallace, Au.D., Gail Whitelaw, Au.D.

04:30 PM - 05:30 PM

Reception in the Exhibit Hall

05:30 PM - 07:00 PM

Member Meeting and Happy Hour


08:00 AM - 09:30 AM

 Closing the Gap: Outsourcing for Improved Outcomes

The healthcare hierarchy of needs for audiology practices—sales, profit, and order are dependent on the ability of practice owners to most effectively align their intellectual, financial, and human resources and strengths to the needs of their practice.

  1. Attendees will be able to describe the risks associated with a do-it-yourself approach for complex business issues such as legal and information security
  2. Attendees will be able to list practice considerations for delegating projects internally and/or outsourcing services, including actual and opportunity costs
  3. Attendees will be able to describe the process for vetting professionals to serve your practice, and considerations that are unique for audiology practices

Moderator: Amyn Amlani, Ph.D.

Speakers: Josiah Dykstra, Ph.D., Brandon Pauley, Esq., Alicia Spoor, Au.D., Sam Vaught, Au.D.

09:30 AM - 09:45 AM


09:45 AM - 11:15 AM


 Amplification Amplified

Audiologists interested in expanding their amplification services offerings won’t want to miss this session! Audiologists and practice owners will share their experiences, plans, and best business practices for extending amplification services and product offerings, to include OTC hearing aids, cochlear implants, and complementary auditory training tools and techniques.

  1. Attendees will be able to list new amplification services that they can incorporate into an audiology practice
  2. Attendees will be able to describe the process for integrating new amplification services into an audiology practice
  3. Attendees will be able to describe the process for tracking and evaluating the success of new amplification service offerings in an audiology practice

Moderator: Alicia Spoor, Au.D.

Speakers: Jill Davis, Au.D., Ram Nileshwar, Au.D., Abby Ryan, Au.D.

 The Business of Balance

Dizziness, Vertigo and Falls are among the most common acute and chronic complaints reported to physicians. It is estimated that 90 million Americans seek help for these conditions each year. In addition, co-morbidities of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, neurological conditions, and an aging population all contribute to a virtually limitless demographic of individuals seeking care.

The addition of neurodiagnostic vestibular evaluations within private practices can provide new sources of physician referrals, revenue, and insulation from the wide array of competitors in the hearing aid distribution landscape. Reimbursement for a comprehensive 75-minute evaluation is up over 20% in 2021 and should be strong for many years to come.

Now with 90 Centers of Specialty Care nationwide, examples of what is possible in practices large and small, is part of AIB’s 30 years of proven success. This presentation will provide a systematic approach on how to create, implement and operate a profitable service within your existing four walls. A review of best practice protocols, instrumentation, patient acquisition, reimbursement and building a referral network will be highlighted.

  1. Name the most common otologic and non-otologic conditions causing vertigo
  2. Describe the test battery to differentiate peripheral from central vestibular disorders
  3. List at least 3 of the most important components in building a successful neurodiagnostic section with your practice
  4. Explain how evidence based diagnostic protocols produce the best outcomes in vestibular rehabilitation

Moderators: Christina Coppola, Au.D., Richard Gans, Ph.D.

Speakers: Rachel Garcia, HIS., Marilyn Hinrichs, Au.D., Craig Kasper, Au.D., Angelene Naro, Au.D., Brian Naro, Au.D.

 The ABC's of APD

If you have been considering starting a practice specializing in auditory processing disorders (APD) or adding an APD service line in your existing practice, but aren’t quite sure where to begin—this session is for you! Audiologists and practice owners will share their innovative business ideas and step-by-step how-tos, must dos, and don’t dos for planning, promoting, scheduling, staffing, and measuring APD services in an audiology practice.

  1. Attendees will be able to describe methods for assessing whether to incorporate APD services into their service mix
  2. Attendees will be able to list various methods for in-person and remote APD service delivery
  3. Attendees will be able to describe processes for developing a plan for incorporating APD services into an audiology practice, including promoting, staffing, scheduling, and reimbursement

Moderator: Dawn Heiman, Au.D.

Speakers: Matt Barker, Au.D., Mary Anne Larkin, Au.D., Gail Whitelaw, Au.D.

 A Ringing Endorsement for Tinnitus Services

Expanding your service offerings to include tinnitus services is an ideal way to meet the needs of your patients and grow your practice. Seasoned professionals will share sound advice and best practices for incorporating tinnitus evaluation and treatment into your service portfolio.

  1. Attendees will be able to list the benefits of implementing tinnitus services into an audiology practice
  2. Attendees will be able to describe the process for incorporating tinnitus services in a brick-and-mortar and virtual clinic
  3. Attendees will be able to describe the process for promoting tinnitus services in the community

Moderator: Brad Stewart, Au.D.

Speakers: Jason Leyendecker, Au.D., Maria Morrison, Au.D., Ben Thompson, Au.D.

11:15 AM - 12:45 PM

 Business Plan Competition Lunch

Audiology student teams will compete and showcase their business skills for a chance to receive a $5,000 ADA cash grant to be used to advance business objectives and enhance leadership skills. During the live event, each team will deliver a 10-minute presentation, which will be followed by a 5-minute Q&A (with some questions coming from the audience). Join us and cheer on the next generation of audiologists as they take their first steps toward private practice ownership.

  1. Upon completion, participants will be able to define the various business plans presented by the three finalists, all current AuD students, and will have the opportunity to virtually respond to each presentation
  2. Upon completion, participants will be able to observe feedback and questions from the panel of expert judges, and use this feedback in their own practices

Moderators: Dawn Heiman, Au.D., Jason Leyendecker, Au.D.

Judges: Bill Connerton, Sheri Little, Au.D., Peter Marincovich, Ph.D.

12:45 PM - 02:15 PM


 Amplification Amplified

Audiologists interested in expanding their amplification services offerings won’t want to miss this session! Audiologists and practice owners will share their experiences, plans, and best business practices for extending amplification services and product offerings, to include OTC hearing aids, cochlear implants, and complementary auditory training tools and techniques.

  1. Attendees will be able to list new amplification services that they can incorporate into an audiology practice
  2. Attendees will be able to describe the process for integrating new amplification services into an audiology practice
  3. Attendees will be able to describe the process for tracking and evaluating the success of new amplification service offerings in an audiology practice

Moderator: Alicia Spoor, Au.D.

Speakers: Jill Davis, Au.D., Ram Nileshwar, Au.D., Abby Ryan, Au.D.

 The Business of Balance

Dizziness, Vertigo and Falls are among the most common acute and chronic complaints reported to physicians. It is estimated that 90 million Americans seek help for these conditions each year. In addition, co-morbidities of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, neurological conditions, and an aging population all contribute to a virtually limitless demographic of individuals seeking care.

The addition of neurodiagnostic vestibular evaluations within private practices can provide new sources of physician referrals, revenue, and insulation from the wide array of competitors in the hearing aid distribution landscape. Reimbursement for a comprehensive 75-minute evaluation is up over 20% in 2021 and should be strong for many years to come.

Now with 90 Centers of Specialty Care nationwide, examples of what is possible in practices large and small, is part of AIB’s 30 years of proven success. This presentation will provide a systematic approach on how to create, implement and operate a profitable service within your existing four walls. A review of best practice protocols, instrumentation, patient acquisition, reimbursement and building a referral network will be highlighted.

  1. Name the most common otologic and non-otologic conditions causing vertigo
  2. Describe the test battery to differentiate peripheral from central vestibular disorders
  3. List at least 3 of the most important components in building a successful neurodiagnostic section with your practice
  4. Explain how evidence based diagnostic protocols produce the best outcomes in vestibular rehabilitation

Moderators: Christina Coppola, Au.D., Richard Gans, Ph.D.

Speakers: Rachel Garcia, HIS., Marilyn Hinrichs, Au.D., Craig Kasper, Au.D., Angelene Naro, Au.D., Brian Naro, Au.D.

 The ABC's of APD

If you have been considering starting a practice specializing in auditory processing disorders (APD) or adding an APD service line in your existing practice, but aren’t quite sure where to begin—this session is for you! Audiologists and practice owners will share their innovative business ideas and step-by-step how-tos, must dos, and don’t dos for planning, promoting, scheduling, staffing, and measuring APD services in an audiology practice.

  1. Attendees will be able to describe methods for assessing whether to incorporate APD services into their service mix
  2. Attendees will be able to list various methods for in-person and remote APD service delivery
  3. Attendees will be able to describe processes for developing a plan for incorporating APD services into an audiology practice, including promoting, staffing, scheduling, and reimbursement

Moderator: Dawn Heiman, Au.D.

Speakers: Matt Barker, Au.D., Mary Anne Larkin, Au.D., Gail Whitelaw, Au.D.

 A Ringing Endorsement for Tinnitus Services

Expanding your service offerings to include tinnitus services is an ideal way to meet the needs of your patients and grow your practice. Seasoned professionals will share sound advice and best practices for incorporating tinnitus evaluation and treatment into your service portfolio.

  1. Attendees will be able to list the benefits of implementing tinnitus services into an audiology practice
  2. Attendees will be able to describe the process for incorporating tinnitus services in a brick-and-mortar and virtual clinic
  3. Attendees will be able to describe the process for promoting tinnitus services in the community

Moderator: Brad Stewart, Au.D.

Speakers: Jason Leyendecker, Au.D., Maria Morrison, Au.D., Ben Thompson, Au.D.

02:15 PM - 02:30 PM


02:30 PM - 04:00 PM

 Your Independent Practice: Creating Your Personal Road Map for Success

This interactive roundtable session will use guided questions and small group discussion to assist audiologists in creating a personal practice roadmap. Attendees will formulate and document their own personal success plan.

  1. Attendees will be able to list three priorities for action in their practice
  2. Attendees will be able to describe the process for implementing their plan of action
  3. Attendees will be able to describe the metrics they have chosen to evaluate their progress

Moderator: Kristin Davis, Au.D.

04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

Fired Up for the Future of Independent Practice: Networking Reception


08:00 AM - 11:30 AM

State Advocacy Workshop on OTC and Prescription Hearing Aids

 Clinical APD Workshop

This session will include an overview of relevant research studies on the relationship between auditory processing, cognitive functions, language/reading, and conditions that often co-exist with auditory processing issues. Evidence-based patient assessment and management techniques will be presented, including conducting the case history, and determining appropriate audiologic testing procedures and treatment protocols.

  1. Attendees will be able to describe essential components of case history that identify the need for further assessment for auditory processing disorders (APD)
  2. Attendees will be able to list various developmental conditions that co-exist with auditory processing issues and describe appropriate assessment techniques
  3. Attendees will be able to describe the process for interpreting APD test results and develop appropriate treatment recommendations

Speakers: Matt Barker, Au.D., Tricia Nechodom, Au.D., PASC, Courtney Stone, Au.D.

 Clinical Tinnitus Workshop

This course will present evidence-based strategies for tinnitus assessment and management. Specific tools and procedures will be demonstrated to assist audiologists in managing patients experiencing tinnitus.

  1. Attendees will be able to describe the process for conducting an audiologic assessment of patient reporting tinnitus.
  2. Attendees will be able list the steps in interpreting test results and evaluate treatment alternatives
  3. Attendees will be able to describe other conditions that are associated with tinnitus

Moderator: Jason Leyendecker, Au.D.

Speakers: John Coverstone, Au.D., Jason Leyendecker, Au.D., Ben Thompson, Au.D.