Academy of Doctors of Audiology

AuDacity 2023 Archive

AuDacity 2023
AuDacity 2023

Go Beyond

AuDacity 2023

Go Beyond

AuDacity 2023

Go Beyond

AuDacity 2023

Go Beyond

AuDacity Exhibitors

  • American Institute of Balance
  • Amplifon
  • Amplivox
  • Audigy Group, LLC
  • Audioscan
  • Black & Black ENT and Audiology
  • CareCredit
  • Cochlear Americas
  • Cognivue
  • CounselEAR, LLC
  • CQ Partners
  • Eargo, Inc.
  • Entheos Audiology Cooperative
  • ESCO
  • Grason-Stadler
  • Hamilton CapTel
  • HearWorks
  • InnoCaption
  • Interacoustics
  • Inventis North America
  • Levo Medical
  • MedRx, Inc
  • MiraCell, Inc.
  • My Essentials
  • My Vitals Pro
  • NationsHearing
  • Neuromod Devices Ltd.
  • Nupur Technologies, LLC
  • Oaktree Products
  • Phonak
  • ReSound
  • Signia
  • Stearns Bank
  • SUNO
  • Sycle
  • TIMS Software/Computers Unlimited
  • UnitedHealthcare Hearing
  • Warner Tech-Care Products
  • Widex USA
AAA Continuing Education

The Academy of Doctors of Audiology is approved by the American Academy of Audiology to offer Academy CEUs for this activity. The program is worth a maximum of 2.5 CEUs. Academy approval of this continuing education activity is based on course content only and does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedure, or adherence of the event to the Academy's Code of Ethics. Any views that are presented are those of the presenter/CE Provider and not necessarily of the American Academy of Audiology.

Academy CEUs: .2
ABA Tier 1 CEUs 2.3


08:00 AM - 02:45 PM

 Clinical Workshop on Auditory Processing Disorders

Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) remain at the forefront of audiological and educational discussions due to their intricate nature and profound impact on an individual's daily life, especially in communication and learning environments. This specialized training workshop is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of APD, its diagnostic criteria, and intervention strategies, using research and evidence-based clinical practices. This course will also discuss processes for incorporating APD services in an audiology practice.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Attendees will be able to describe the neurological underpinnings of APD, enabling them to identify the difference between peripheral hearing loss and central auditory processing issues
  2. Attendees will be able to describe a variety of diagnostic tools and assessment techniques specific to APD
  3. Attendees will be able to describe intervention strategies tailored for individuals with APD
  4. Attendees will be able to describe the process for incorporating APD services in an audiology clinic

Moderator: Dawn Heiman, Au.D.

Speakers: John Coverstone, Au.D., Gail Whitelaw, Ph.D.

 Legal Issues in Audiology

This audiology legal seminar will cover key legal topics that impact audiologists and audiology practices including regulatory requirements for practice, liability, licensure, contracting, financing, and employment.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Attendees will be able to describe state and federal laws that impact the practice of audiology and ownership of an audiology practice
  2. Attendees will be able to describe activities that could violate federal statutes
  3. Attendees will be able to describe state and federal laws that they must uphold as employers
  4. Attendees will be able to list three actions that they can take immediately to identify legal issues in their audiology practice

Speaker: Brandon Pauley, Esq.

 Utilizing HIS Extenders: Optimizing Efficiencies and Outcomes in the Audiology Practice

This comprehensive course is designed to equip audiologists with the knowledge and skills to effectively utilize hearing instrument specialists (HIS) as extenders in their practice, focusing on key clinical and business considerations.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Attendees will be able to describe different practice models that incorporate audiologists and hearing instrument specialists along the patient care continuum
  2. Attendees will be able to list three reimbursement/credentialing considerations related to incorporating hearing instrument specialists in an audiology practice
  3. Attendees will be able to describe potential barriers with licensure and training for hearing instrument specialists and how to overcome them

Speakers: Kristin Davis, Au.D., Marsha Henry, Tonya Muncy, NBC-HIS, Liz Rogers, Au.D., Kristen Weinbaum, Au.D.

08:00 AM - 12:00 PM

 AuDacity Student Session: Sponsored by Starkey

The AuDacity Student Session, sponsored by Starkey Hearing Technologies, offers audiology students, who are interested in private practice, the unrivaled opportunity for interactive training with industry and audiology thought leaders. Session topics include the digital patient era, unveiling clinical success through behaviors and engagement, implementing tinnitus treatment in private practice, and the latest innovations in hearing aid technology, featuring Genesis AI.

ADA is grateful for Starkey’s proven commitment to support the future of private practice through its support and development of AuDacity student scholarships and the AuDacity Student Session.

Speakers: Kyle Acker, Au.D., Sara Burdak, Au.D., Andrea Hannan Dawkes, Au.D., Stacy O’Brien, Au.D.


09:00 AM - 10:00 AM

 What’s WHO Got to Say About it?

Many developing countries are experiencing an urgent need for hearing healthcare. They are faced with the task of providing hearing aids and services that are appropriate and affordable without the resources for training, services and finances. Hearing the Call (HTC) a 501C3, created by audiologists, has been providing hearing health care services worldwide since 2015. By applying World Health Organization’s (WHO) Guidelines for Hearing Aids and Services for Developing Countries and incorporating best practices and learnings, HTC has designed a model to systematically introduce or further develop hearing healthcare in areas of need. This course will describe a 3 Phase model looking at primary, secondary and tertiary health care systems and how audiologists can use their areas of expertise to fill in the gaps.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Explain the difference between a primary, secondary and tertiary health care system as defined by WHO to understand the needs of those with hearing loss in developing countries
  2. Describe how the phases of development are implemented in real world scenarios
  3. List the types of hearing aids and earmold currently utilized on humanitarian trips

Speaker: Nimet Adam, Au.D.

12:45 PM - 01:15 PM

 Student Humanitarian Initiative Panel

The Entheos Student Humanitarian Program is a program designed to provide an opportunity for audiology students and their universities to participate in a highly structured, supervised humanitarian event (international, domestic, or local). These student humanitarian events are organized to provide a high level of “audiology best practices” with supervision and mentorship provided by Entheos Audiology Cooperative member audiologists. The humanitarian trips are provided by Hearing the Call, a 501C3 non-profit organization.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Attendees will be able to list different types of humanitarian audiology initiatives and level of clinical experience and commitment required for each
  2. Attendees will be able to describe pathways for students and audiologists to volunteer to serve on a humanitarian audiology mission
  3. Attendees will be able to describe actions that students and audiologists must take to ensure a successful experience as part of a humanitarian mission

Speakers: Rachel Appleton, Au.D., Jane Baxter, Au.D., Chloe Lammers

01:15 PM - 02:45 PM

 Opening the Doors for Audiology Opportunities Worldwide

There is an urgent need to provide hearing aids and services that are appropriate and affordable for developing countries considering the scarcity and resources of skills training, services and finances in most developing countries. The World Health Organization has developed guidelines on how to implement hearing healthcare services in developing countries. This course will discuss how audiologists can help build bridges to hearing healthcare around the world. Examples of countries where a nonprofit 501C3, Hearing the Call, has utilized their humanitarian model, based on WHO guidelines, to improve the lives of those people in those countries.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Explain the difference between a primary, secondary and tertiary health care system as defined by WHO to understand the needs of those with hearing loss in developing countries
  2. Discuss ideas on how governments can assist with advocacy and awareness campaigns for hearing loss prevention, early intervention, and/or treatment
  3. Explain how creating jobs for graduating audiologists within a country needs to be attractive to retain the workforce within the country

Speakers: Nimet Adam, Au.D., Princess Kasume of Zambia, Deputy Speaker Madalitso Kazombo of Malawi

 Hot Topics for Students

Seasoned students and recent graduates will share their experiences from externships, Praxis exam preparation, interview tips, and life in the clinic as a post graduate audiologist. This panel discussion is designed for students seeking an opportunity to ask questions and get candid feedback from peers and recent graduates.

Speakers: Lilliana Geraldes, Jasmin Rodriguez, Au.D., Ivelca Rodriguez

03:00 PM - 04:30 PM

   Featured Keynote Session — Industry CEO Panel: Audiology Unstoppable

The hearing healthcare industry and profession of audiology stand at the crossroads of rapid technological advancement and an ever-increasing global demand, driven in part by aging populations and a heightened awareness of auditory health. This panel discussion brings together global industry innovators with expertise across the hearing sector to provide their forward-looking perspective on the industry, the next wave of innovations, emerging market dynamics, and the evolving expectations of consumers—and the impact of those factors on the profession of audiology. Participants will be introduced to the latest breakthroughs in hearing technology, and predictions about how the convergence of AI, connectivity, and personalized medicine will redefine the hearing health landscape. Panelists will provide insight on the future of the profession and steps that audiologists must take today to create a successful tomorrow.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Attendees will be able to describe emerging market trends influencing consumer behavior
  2. Attendees will be able to describe the role and responsibility of audiologists and industry partners in global hearing health advocacy and consumer awareness
  3. Attendees will be able to describe challenges and opportunities facing the profession of audiology and broader hearing health industry, strategies to address them
  4. Attendees will be able to describe how advancements in hearing technology may contribute to a reimagined user experience and change perceptions of “hearing aids”

Moderator: Stephanie Czuhajewski, CAE, MPH

Speakers: Randy Baldwin, MBA, Carsten Buhl, Sara Burdak, Au.D., Carsten Buhl, Jackie Douda, Brian Maguire, Tom Tedeschi, Au.D.

04:35 PM - 06:00 PM

   Featured Keynote Session — Industry CEO Panel: It's Your Tomorrow, Right Now

The hearing healthcare industry and profession of audiology stand at the crossroads of rapid technological advancement and an ever-increasing global demand, driven in part by aging populations and a heightened awareness of auditory health. This panel discussion brings together global industry innovators with expertise across the hearing sector to provide their forward-looking perspective on the industry, the next wave of innovations, emerging market dynamics, and the evolving expectations of consumers—and the impact of those factors on the profession of audiology. Participants will be introduced to the latest breakthroughs in hearing technology, and predictions about how the convergence of AI, connectivity, and personalized medicine will redefine the hearing health landscape. Panelists will provide insight on the future of the profession and steps that audiologists must take today to create a successful tomorrow.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Attendees will be able to describe emerging market trends influencing consumer behavior
  2. Attendees will be able to describe the role and responsibility of audiologists and industry partners in global hearing health advocacy and consumer awareness
  3. Attendees will be able to describe challenges and opportunities facing the profession of audiology and broader hearing health industry, strategies to address them
  4. Attendees will be able to describe how advancements in hearing technology may contribute to a reimagined user experience and change perceptions of “hearing aids”

Moderator: D’Anne Rudden, Au.D.

Speakers: Danny Aronson, Adam Karp, Jason Mayer, Gary Rosenblum, Eric Timm

06:00 PM - 07:30 PM

 AuDacity Opening Reception in the Exhibit Hall

Celebrate the opening of the AuDacity conference with a trip through the exhibit hall! Visit the AuDacity marketplace to meet with representatives from innovative companies offering great solutions to implement in your practice. Enjoy food, fun, and festivities with your friends and peers!


07:00 AM - 08:00 AM

Breakfast in the Exhibit Hall

08:00 AM - 08:30 AM

President's Address: Go Beyond

Speaker: Dawn Heiman, Au.D.

08:30 AM - 09:30 AM

   Featured Keynote Session — ACHIEVE Study: An Overview of Outcomes

This course will discuss preliminary findings from the Aging and Cognitive Health Evaluation in Elders (ACHIEVE) study, a large-scale randomized, controlled trial designed to determine if treating hearing loss in older adults could reduce cognitive decline that can precede dementia. Dr. Lin will present key results from the study, discuss implications for clinicians, researchers, and the public-at-large, and recommend areas where additional research should be focused.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Attendees will be able to describe the population studied by the ACHIEVE trial
  2. Attendees will be able to describe preliminary findings from the ACHIEVE study
  3. Attendees will be able to describe areas where additional research is needed

Moderator: Christi Negrete

Speaker: Frank Lin, M.D.

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09:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Break in the Exhibit Hall

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

   Featured Keynote Session — ACHIEVE Study: Practical Implications for Audiologists

This course will provide an overview of the clinical protocols used in the ACHIEVE research study and their practical application in the clinic. Panelists will summarize ACHIEVE trial outcomes, discuss relevance to clinical practice, and provide recommendations for audiologists.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Attendees will be able to summarize the ACHIEVE study
  2. Attendees will be able to describe clinical protocols utilized in the ACHIEVE study and their applications in clinical practice
  3. Attendees will be able to list recommendations for communicating accurate information to the public regarding ACHIEVE outcomes

Moderator: Shannon Basham, Au.D.

Speakers: Nicholas Reed, Au.D., Victoria Sanchez, Au.D., Ph.D.

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Lunch in the Exhibit Hall

12:30 PM - 02:00 PM

 Cognitive Screening: Somebody Check My Brain

Following on the heels of research from John’s Hopkins, dementia, cognition, and cognitive screenings are hot topics in audiology. Audiologists need guidance on our role in the cognitive screening process and how to best integrate this research into their daily clinical practice. This panel will discuss cognitive screening and how audiologists can ethically and successfully integrate tools and approaches for the benefit of these patients.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Define dementia and cognitive decline
  2. Describe the role of the audiologist in cognition and cognitive screening
  3. Identify effective tools for cognitive screening
  4. Describe how to use the screening information for referral, care plan creation, device selection, and rehabilitation

Moderator: Kim Cavitt, Au.D.

Speakers: Jill Davis, Au.D., Lisa Gumina, Au.D.

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 Falls Risk: Bedside Vestibular Assessments: Getting the Right Balance and Getting the Balance Right

This panel discussion will focus on integrating vestibular screening and assessment into a private audiology practice. Panelists will discuss the potential scope and available options that can be provided both with and without extensive vestibular test equipment, including bedside evaluation, how to operationalize this within a practice, and the value of these service to your patients, referral sources, community, and practice.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Define what constitutes a bedside assessment and the potential role of the audiologist
  2. List the potential screening and diagnostic procedures that can be performed without extensive vestibular test equipment
  3. Describe the steps required to implement vestibular screening and assessment in an audiology private practice

Moderator: Kristin Davis, Au.D.

Speakers: Jana Brown, Au.D., Danielle Dorner, Au.D., Sara Jagger, Au.D.

 Functional & Communication Needs Assessment (F&CNA) Panel: We’ll Have an Effin’ Ball

A Functional & Communication Needs Assessment (F&CNA) is a procedure that has garnered recent interest in audiology circles. This service, which has roots as far back as the 1990s, can help an audiologist gain more information about the patient and their functional, communication, and auditory needs, desires, and goals. This panel discussion will discuss F&CNA, what they are, what they typically entail, and why they are valuable to the patient and the practice.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. List key aspects of a Communication and Functional Needs Assessment (CNFA)
  2. Describe how a CNFA differs from a typical hearing aid evaluation
  3. Describe the benefits of performing a CNFA to your patients and your practice

Moderator: Debbie Abel, Au.D.

Speakers: Natalie McKee, Au.D., Erica Person, Au.D., Alicia Spoor, Au.D.

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 Public Health and Hearing Health Awareness: Highlighting the Importance and Value of Hearing Care

This session will focus on innovative initiatives in hearing and hearing loss awareness. Dr. Lin will provide an overview of the Hearing Number, a metric that can help consumers better understand their hearing and how it changes over time. Dr. Edwards will discuss the COM-B model, a public health framework that can be sued to understand factors that influence consumer behavior when purchasing hearing aids.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Upon completion, participants will be able to calculate the hearing number
  2. Upon completion, participants will be able to describe the COM-B model of hearing care delivery
  3. Upon completion, participants will be able to integrate consumer awareness initiatives into their audiology practices

Moderator: Dawn Heiman, Au.D.

Speakers: Frank Lin, M.D., Brent Edwards, Ph.D.

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 Speech in Noise Inventories: In One Ear and…

This session will provide an overview of various speech in noise tests, the best populations served for each one, and how audiologists can use speech in noise test result to create an individualized treatment plan for patients. Outcome measures that can be used to supplement speech in noise testing to determine treatment devices.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify the available speech in noise tests and the best populations served for each one
  2. Explain how to use speech in noise test results to create an individualized treatment plan for patients
  3. List the outcome measures that can be used to supplement speech in noise testing to determine treatment devices

Moderator: Tom Tedeschi, Au.D.

Speakers: Victoria Sanchez, Au.D., Ph.D., Elizabeth Thompson, Au.D., Christine Ulinski, Au.D.

02:00 PM - 02:30 PM

Break in the Exhibit Hall

02:30 PM - 04:00 PM

 Auditory Rehabilitation: Hello, Hello Again

The roots of the profession of audiology lie in auditory rehabilitation. In some ways though, we, as a profession, have lost sight of the need for the rehabilitation and counseling aspect of audiology. This panel will refocus on auditory rehabilitation and its invaluable role in patient satisfaction, outcomes, performance and patient/family centered care.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe auditory rehabilitation and its role in today’s audiology private practice
  2. List possible resources, tools, applications, books, and strategies that are useful and have been successful in integrating auditory rehabilitation into practice
  3. Describe how to operationalize and monetize an auditory rehabilitation program
  4. Describe strategies for improving patient engagement in and adherence to auditory rehabilitation

Moderator: Kristin Davis, Au.D.

Speakers: Ariel B. Fruendt, Au.D., Dusty Jessen, Au.D., Joe Montano, Ed.D.

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 Auracast: Can I Get a Connection?

This session will discuss the role of connectivity in improving the lifestyles of hearing impaired people in different environments, outline the shortcomings of today’s patchwork of proprietary systems, showcase the differences between Bluetooth and LE Audio + Auracast, demonstrate how Auracast will greatly improve accessibility in public places, and provide audiologists with information that they need to discuss Auracast with consumers.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Attendees will be able to describe the role of connectivity in improving the lifestyles of hearing impaired people in different environments
  2. Attendees will be able to describe the differences between today's Bluetooth and LE Audio + Auracast
  3. Attendees will be able to describe the shortcomings of today's patchwork array of proprietary systems and how LE Audio / Auracast will make life easier for both AuDs & clients
  4. Attendees will be able to describe how Auracast will greatly improve accessibility in public places

Moderator: Stephanie Sjoblad, Au.D.

Speaker: Andrew Bellavia

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 Cochlear Implant Evaluation: I've Got the Power

The indications for cochlear implantation have evolved significantly over the past decade. This panel discussion will discuss these cochlear implant candidacy changes, referral relationships, activation and programming considerations, and the long-term management of cochlear implants. Panelists will debunk the myths of cochlear implant programs in a private practice and share how others can successfully integrate implants into their practices.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the current cochlear implant candidacy criteria for binaural hearing loss and single sided deafness
  2. Describe the components of an evidence based cochlear implant evaluation
  3. Describe how to operationalize and monetize a cochlear implant program

Moderator: Alicia Spoor, Au.D.

Speakers: Arun Joshi, Au.D., D’Anne Rudden, Au.D., Kayla Wilkins, Au.D.

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 Outcome Measures in Audiology: Keep'n It 'Real'

Outcome measurement. Verification. Validation. These are catchwords commonly bantered about in audiology. But what do these words really mean to daily clinical practice? This presentation will focus on the utility and practical benefits of validation, verification, and outcome measurements and how they help both audiologists and their patients.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. List research evidence based validation, verification, and outcome measurements tools and options
  2. Implement validation and verification tools in their audiology practices
  3. Operationalize and monetize validation, verification and outcome measurements

Moderator: Amyn Amlani, Ph.D.

Speakers: Sarah Faucette, Au.D., Ph.D., Laura Pratesi, Au.D., John Pumford, Au.D.

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 Tinnitus Evaluation and Care Planning: For Whom the Bell Tolls

As we know, tinnitus effects approximately 25 million Americans, with 2 million experiencing debilitating tinnitus, yet there is still a need for audiologists to provide support to these individuals. This panel will discuss the patient centered delivery of evidence-based tinnitus evaluation, treatment, and counseling, both with and beyond a hearing aid, and how to expand access to care in a private practice setting.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the prevalence and need for improved access to tinnitus management services in the US
  2. Describe the different levels/tiers of tinnitus evaluation and management that can be provided in a private practice setting
  3. Describe the role of the case history, patient interview, and counseling in the tinnitus care delivery process
  4. List the procedures, tools, and equipment required for the evidence based evaluation of tinnitus

Moderator: Jason Leyendecker, Au.D.

Speaker: Sara Downs, Au.D., Tricia Scaglione, Au.D.

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04:15 PM - 05:45 PM

 ADA Member Business Meeting

This members-only session will feature a closed-door advocacy and legal briefing, focused on issues of significance for the organization and its members. Meet ADA’s federal lobbyists and attorney and discover the latest issues of significance for the profession and your practice.

06:30 PM - 09:00 PM

 AuDacity Fun & Games Reception

Go beyond the hotel walls and make the most of the Hyatt Coconut Point Resort venue at this evening outdoor soiree! Meet us on the lawn for your choice of fun, games, and fabulous food! Quack the code and cap off your evening with the Race to Integrate Duck Race, sponsored by Care Credit and Sycle! Visit the CareCredit and Sycle booths for more information and to register.


07:00 AM - 08:00 AM

Breakfast in the Exhibit Hall

08:00 AM - 09:30 AM

 Using KPIs to Find Your Rhythm: We Got the Beat

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), measures of performance over time, provide owners and managers with critical information that they can use to evaluate practice operations and make important decisions to optimize clinical and business operations. This panel session will explore KPIs utilized in three different private practices, as well as the rationale, process, and measurement interval for each KPI. Panelists will also discuss their processes for measuring, analyzing, interpreting, and applying collected data to make ongoing adjustments and improvements to practice operations.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Attendees will be able to list at least 5 KPIs used in a private audiology practice
  2. Attendees will be able to describe the process for analyzing measured data and using it to make business and clinical decisions in the practice
  3. Attendees will be able to describe tools that practices can use to measure, record, and analyze performance measures in their practice

Moderator: Amyn Amlani, Ph.D.

Speakers: Natalie McKee, Au.D., Eric Stevens, MBA, Kristen Weinbaum, Au.D.

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09:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Break in the Exhibit Hall

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

 Attracting and Hiring the Right Clinical and AdministrativeTalent: Here's My Number, So Call Me Maybe

Recruiting and hiring clinical and administrative staff is among the greatest challenges facing practice owners. This course will explore obstacles to and real-world strategies for attracting talent into private practices. Panelists will share their personal experiences and offer candid perspectives on what has worked, what hasn’t worked, and why. Innovative approaches and tools that can be used to recruit the right people into the right positions will be discussed.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Attendees will be able to describe unique challenges associated with recruiting and hiring clinical and administrative team members
  2. Attendees will be able to describe strategies that can be used to recruit clinical and administrative staff
  3. Attendees will be able to list different tools that can be implemented to screen, interview, and onboard employees successfully

Moderator: Audra Branham, Au.D.

Speakers: Carly Girard, Au.D., Karri Kiefat, MBA, Tress Montecalvo

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 Audiology Managed Care Part 1: Why'd You Have to Go and Make Things So Complicated?

This panel discussion with focus on the role of third-party networks in today’s hearing healthcare landscape. Leaders from the three most prominent hearing care plans, Amplifon Hearing Care, Tru-Hearing, and UHC Hearing will share insights why these programs have been created, the influence of consumers, the parent health plan and hearing aid manufacturers on the plans, their processes and the formulary options, and the how audiologists and audiology practices can successfully engage in these programs.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the role of third-party networks in today’s hearing healthcare landscape
  2. Describe the differences between a funded and unfunded hearing aid benefit
  3. List the key considerations in successful implementation of third-party network programs in an audiology practice

Moderator: Kim Cavitt, Au.D.

Speakers: Patty Greene, MA, Carrie Meyer, Au.D., Laura Richardson, Au.D.

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 Business Financing Workshop Part I: I Need a Dollar

This course will help current and aspiring practice owners navigate the lending landscape and acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to make informed decisions about financing audiology practices. Expert panelists will discuss common capital needs and evaluate traditional and alternative lending options that can be employed to start or expand an audiology clinic. The loan determination process, factors that impact the lending decision, and actions that audiologists can take to improve loan approval odds will be discussed. Participants will gain insights into both traditional and alternative lending options, and real-world case studies will be used to highlight the pros and cons of different financing routes. At the conclusion of the course, participants will be better prepared to secure financing that aligns with their practice’s needs.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Attendees will be able to list common situations that require capital
  2. Attendees will be able to identify different types of business loans
  3. Attendees will be able to describe the loan determination process and factors that impact the lending decision
  4. Attendees will be able to describe the pros and cons of different financing routes and actions that they can take to maximize their lending opportunities

Moderator: Brandon Pauley, Esq.

Speaker: Tom Ethen, Joshua Gutstein, JD, MBA, Stacy O'Brien, Au.D., Alicia Spoor, Au.D.

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 ENT/PT/SLP Audiology Practice Models: Ex's and Oh's!

Interdisciplinary care teams reduce time to treatment and provide convenience for patients. Incorporating non-audiologist providers can also be lucrative for practices seeking to expand the number and types of services offered to patients. This panel session explores different employment/contracting models and mechanisms for incorporating otolaryngologists, physical therapists, and speech language pathologists into an audiology practice. Panelists will share their experiences integrating non-audiology services in small and large practices, and offer practical tips for audiologists considering similar approaches to care delivery.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe different employment models that audiology practice owners can use to incorporate otolaryngology, physical therapy, and/or speech language pathology services into their practice
  2. List legal considerations that audiology practices should consider when partnering with other clinical professionals in practice
  3. Describe how to integrate non-audiology services into an audiology practice

Moderator: Dawn Heiman, Au.D.

Speakers: Sal Gruttadauria, Au.D., Liz Rogers, Au.D.

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 Public Speaking Training: Here I Go It's My Shot, Feet Fail Me Not

This course will help individuals at all levels of proficiency enhance their oratory skills and command over verbal communication. From understanding the psychology of audiences to mastering the mechanics of delivery, participants will be guided through a transformative journey, enabling them to captivate listeners and convey their messages with precision and impact. Ideal for audiologists, students, and anyone looking to make their voice heard, this course bridges the gap between mere speaking and truly resonating.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Attendees will be able to describe the psychological factors that influence listeners' reception and interpretation of a message
  2. Attendees will be able to describe techniques to enhance their vocal modulation, pacing, and body language
  3. Attendees will be able to describe the process for organizing their thoughts coherently and crafting compelling narratives, and ensure their core message remains clear and memorable

Moderator: Dana Walchek, Au.D.

Speaker: Annetta Wilson

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Lunch in the Exhibit Hall

12:30 PM - 02:00 PM

 Audiology Managed Care Part II: Know When to Hold 'Em, Know When to Fold 'Em

Audiology participation in third-party networks (TPNs) has been controversial in audiology practices for decades. This panel discussion will discuss the pros and cons of TPN participation in audiology practice and how, it is possible, to make it a win-win for the hard of hearing and the provider.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Define what a third-party network is
  2. List examples of some TPNs and what health plans they represent
  3. Explain the pros and cons of TPN participation
  4. Describe how to effectively operationalize TPNs in practice

Moderator: Kim Cavitt, Au.D.

Speakers: Peter Kleckner, Au.D., Nikki Kopetzky, Au.D., Natalie McKee, Au.D.

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 Business Financing Workshop Part II: Money, Money, Money

This course will help current and aspiring practice owners navigate the lending landscape and acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to make informed decisions about financing audiology practices. Expert panelists will discuss common capital needs and evaluate traditional and alternative lending options that can be employed to start or expand an audiology clinic. The loan determination process, factors that impact the lending decision, and actions that audiologists can take to improve loan approval odds will be discussed. Participants will gain insights into both traditional and alternative lending options, and real-world case studies will be used to highlight the pros and cons of different financing routes. At the conclusion of the course, participants will be better prepared to secure financing that aligns with their practice’s needs.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Attendees will be able to list common situations that require capital
  2. Attendees will be able to identify different types of business loans
  3. Attendees will be able to describe the loan determination process and factors that impact the lending decision
  4. Attendees will be able to describe the pros and cons of different financing routes and actions that they can take to maximize their lending opportunities

Moderator: Brandon Pauley, Esq.

Speakers: Tom Ethen, Joshua Gutstein, JD, MBA, Stacy O'Brien, Au.D., Alicia Spoor, Au.D.

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 Media Training for Audiologists: Say What You Wanna Say

In the rapidly evolving digital age, the ability to navigate and harness the potential of various media channels is imperative for both individuals and organizations. This media training class offers a comprehensive overview of the modern media landscape, emphasizing best practices for effective communication, presentation techniques, and crisis management. Participants will be introduced to the nuances of different platforms, gain insights into audience engagement, and develop the confidence to represent themselves or their organizations professionally and authentically.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Attendees will be able to identify and differentiate between various media platforms, recognizing their unique characteristics, advantages, and challenges
  2. Attendees will be able to identify challenges in crafting clear, impactful messages and verbal and non-verbal techniques to overcome them
  3. Attendees will be able to list strategies for crisis management

Moderator: Dana Walchek, Au.D.

Speaker: Annetta Wilson

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 Serving the Underserved: We Could Be Heroes

Philanthropic and humanitarian audiologic care is offered in many places throughout the US. Unfortunately, there are still large numbers of hard of hearing individuals who do not have access to care. This presentation will illustrate two different audiology private practices who are providing audiologic care to underserved populations. They will share their tips in how these populations can be served by your team.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Define what constitutes an underserved population
  2. Describe how to publicly and privately fund audiologic care in underserved populations
  3. Describe how to integrate and operationalize Medicaid and/or sliding fee schedules into your audiology practice

Moderator: Dawn Heiman, Au.D.

Speakers: Sarah Curtis, Au.D., Judy Huch, Au.D.

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 Training and Retaining Clinical and Administrative Talent: We've Got to Hold on to What We've Got

Developing and implementing strategies for training and retaining clinical and administrative staff can be daunting. This course will explore obstacles to and real-world strategies that private practice owners are deploying to build employee loyalty, growth, and competency. Panelists will share their personal experiences and discuss their training and employee retention approaches.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Attendees will be able to describe barriers to effective staff training and employee retention
  2. Attendees will be able to describe strategies that can be used to help ensure that training programs are implemented successfully
  3. Attendeess will be able to list programs that private audiology practices have used to improve employee retention

Moderator: Jason Leyendecker, Au.D.

Speaker: Kassondra Hemmen, Au.D., Megan Lynch, SHRM-CP, Ram Nileshwar, Au.D., Jordan Strong, Au.D.

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02:00 PM - 02:30 PM

Break in the Exhibit Hall

02:30 PM - 03:55 PM

 Challengers and Champions: Trials, Triumphs, and Lessons Learned Panel

This presentation will allow for a discussion, amongst colleagues from various facets of audiology, on the past, present and future of audiology and private, independent practice. They will provide insight on how to avoid pitfalls, embrace change and explore opportunities.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify current challenges in audiology and private practice
  2. Identify current opportunities in audiology and private practice
  3. Summarize important practical considerations for audiology practice owners and managers

Moderator: Tom Tedeschi, Au.D.

Speakers: Jane Baxter, Au.D., Audra Branham, Au.D, Victor Bray, Ph.D., Bryan Greenaway, Au.D., Alexandra Tarvin, Au.D.

04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

 Hearing Healthcare: Where We Are, Where We Are Heading, and Where We Need to Be

To close out the convention, we will have a panel discussion amongst industry leaders who will discuss the current hearing healthcare landscape, the needs and desires of consumers within this landscape, and hearing healthcare providers successes and failures in meeting consumer needs. The panel plans to share ideas on what audiologists can do to serve the hard of hearing community while advancing the profession.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the current role and status of audiologists in healthcare
  2. Describe consumer needs in hearing healthcare
  3. Describe actions needing to be taken by audiologists to meet consumer needs

Moderator: Amyn Amlani, Ph.D.

Speakers: Brent Edwards, Ph.D., Matthew Fitzgerald, Ph.D., Nicholas Reed, Au.D.

05:00 PM - 06:00 PM

AuDacity Closing Reception


08:00 AM - 11:30 AM

 Operationalizing and Monetizing AuDacity and Research Evidence-Based Care

Over the course of AuDacity, presenters and panelists have discussed the patient centered, evidence-based delivery of audiologic evaluation and treatment beyond the hearing aid. This course will offer a road map for operationalizing and monetizing the services discussed throughout the convention within an audiology practice. We will discuss the entire revenue cycle process, from scheduling to payment, as well as how manage care fits in.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  1. Appropriately utilize a good faith estimate, advanced beneficiary notice and notice of non-coverage in their practice
  2. List the codes that can be billed to Medicare once per calendar year without a physician order
  3. Determine if their state allows for the use of evaluation and management codes within their scope of practice
  4. Establish a usual and customary price for services
  5. Appropriately bill for the services provided by audiology extenders
  6. Operationalize and monetize research evidence-based audiology evaluation and treatment services

Speakers: Kim Cavitt, Au.D.

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