Academy of Doctors of Audiology
August 19, 2024
The ADA 2024 BOD Election is Underway: Regular and Life Members, Cast Your Vote Today
Posted in: All News

The Academy of Doctors of Audiology (ADA) Nominating Committee is charged with the responsibility to identify candidates who are well suited to lead ADA into the future, through service on the ADA Board of Directors.

After a thorough examination of all nominations, the Nominating Committee is pleased to present the following candidates for the offices of President-Elect and Director-at-Large (two Director-at-Large positions open):


  • Jill Davis, Au.D.
  • Whitney Swander, Au.D.

Director-at-Large (two positions open):

  • Nikki Kopetzky, Au.D.
  • Candice E. Oritz-Hawkins, Au.D.
  • Jonette Owen, Au.D.
  • Alexandra Tarvin, Au.D.

Consistent with ADA’s bylaws, this information is being distributed to voting members of ADA. Please review the biographical information and position statement provided by each candidate, which is available on the ADA website and complete the ADA 2024 Election Ballot.

Please note:

  • The deadline to cast your vote is Friday, September 20, 2024.
  • Voting for more than the specified number of candidates will invalidate all of your votes for that office.
  • All votes are confidential.
  • Elected candidates will begin their terms on January 1, 2025.

ADA would like to thank the 2024 Nominating Committee members for their diligent work:

Dawn Heiman, Au.D., Chair
Judy Huch, Au.D.
Evonne Serpa, Au.D.
Kayla Wilkins, Au.D.